Two all-time Spidey greats collaborate on a thrilling era for the webbed wonder!When Peter Parker encounters his old foe Vermin again, it brings back haunting memories of one of the darkest chapters of his life! But his old friend Harry Osborn is similarly haunted — only he channels it into terrorizing Spider-Man as the Green Goblin! Brace yourself for a psychological showdown between two archfoes! And the threats don’t end there! The Vulture is dying, but he’s determined to go out in style! The Rhino’s on a rampage, the Puma’s on the prowl, and Professor Power is prepared to go toe to toe with Spidey and the X-Men! “Maximum Carnage” unleashes symbiotic chaos, and the whispering menace Tombstone is back — more lethal than ever! Plus: The web-slinger battles the Shroud, the Foreigner, Typhoid Mary, the Scorpion and more!COLLECTING: Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) 178-216, Spectacular Spider-Man Annual (1979) 12-14, Amazing Spider-Man: Soul of the Hunter (1992) 1
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