The Winter Soldier leads a new team of Thunderbolts! Out of the ashes of AVENGERS: STANDOFF, Bucky Barnes recruits a squad of renegades - but are they heroes or villains? Do even they know for sure?! They're on a rampage across the Marvel Universe, hunting down and destroying bizarre, mind-bending threats - all the while harboring one of their own! And among their number is the serial manipulator Moonstone! What could go wrong? How about a gut-wrenching battle for leadership, an alien threat and super-team showdowns with the All-New Inhumans and the Squadron Supreme?! As CIVIL WAR II rages, the Winter Soldier takes on Spider-Man! But Steve Rogers wants to know where Bucky's loyalties lie. Plus: The Thunderbolts used to be the Masters of Evil - and if Baron Zemo has his way, their villainous legacy will be reclaimed with the infinite power of a Cosmic Cube! COLLECTING: Thunderbolts (2016) 1-12 Rated T+
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