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Web Of Spider-Man Omnibus Hardcover Volume 01 Mike Zeck Direct Market Variant
Regular price $156.25 4 in stock
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    Spider-Man swings into his third solo ongoing series! When MARVEL TEAM-UP came to an end, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man grabbed yet more of the spotlight in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN! Whether in his sleek black suit or classic red-and-blues, Spidey is ready to face new foes - including Magma, the Vulturions, Chance, Future Max and the Smithville Thunderbolt - as well as classic sparring partners like the Kingpin, Doctor Octopus, the Vulture and even the Hulk! Peter Parker makes a jaunt over the Atlantic for some adventures in the UK - where he foils an assassination attempt on the prime minister! Then, back on this side of the pond, he travels cross-country to retrieve a misplaced web-shooter! Plus: The all-time classic Spider-title crossover 'Kraven's Last Hunt'! And Peter gets consigned to a mental hospital's Mad Dog Ward! Collecting WEB OF SPIDER-MAN (1985) #1-34 and ANNUAL #1-3, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) #268 and #293-295 and PETER PARKER, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #131-133. Rated T+