Amidst the boom of X-Men mania, spinoff group the New Mutants forms a new team of their own - the Fallen Angels! The world's hate and fear is brought to bear when tragedy strikes at the local high school after a mutant student is bullied for being different - and the devastation continues the events of the Mutant Massacre rock our young heroes! Then, the New Mutants fast-forward to the world of tomorrow - and it ain't pretty! Join the best young mutantkind has to offer as they face evil future versions of themselves, mutant-hunting Sentinels, a rebellion in Limbo and the Hellfire Club and their teenage Hellions! But what about Sunspot and Warlock? They're hanging out with Madrox, Siryn, Boom-Boom, the Vanisher and Devil Dinosaur?! What wonders await these Fallen Angels in the paradise of Coconut Grove? COLLECTING: New Mutants (1983) 45-54, New Mutants Annual (1984) 3, Fallen Angels (1987) 1-8 Rated T
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