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Batman: Beyond The White Knight: The Deluxe Edition - CANCELLED TO BE RESOLICITED
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    Writer/Artist Sean Gordon Murphy returns to the White Knight universe with a new take on Neo-Gotham and Terry McGinnis in a deluxe hardcover from DC Black Label.When a recently incarcerated Bruce Wayne hears there’s a new Batman running around Gotham in a hi-tech bat suit, it’s time to escape from behind bars and put this Batman to bed. With Derek Powers working behind the scenes on a new Gotham police force, it’s only a matter of time before Bruce recruits his forgotten Robins to aid in the battle for the future of Neo-Gotham. Blockbuster writer/artist Sean Gordon Murphy invites DC fans into a new Gotham like they’ve never seen before in the sequel to Batman: White Knight and Batman: Beyond the White Knight. Collects: Batman: Beyond the White Knight #1-8; Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #1-2.